Friday, February 8, 2013

How To Be A Fat Bitch: Lesson Two

This week's assignment is to reclaim the word fat and do something amazing with it. So I've been brainstorming some ideas of what I can do -- let me know what you think!
  1. Put on my favourite outfit, get all dolled up, and have a photo shoot in my  backyard -- making sure to accentuate my fatness! :)
  2. Bake a cake and write "FAT BITCH" on it with yummy colored frosting. Mmmm. 
  3. I have four canvasses and some acrylic paint... I can make some fat art!
  4. Maybe post something on Facebook to try to make more people aware of fat acceptance
  5. Write a song or a short story about fatness :)
That's all I've been able to come up with... I can't promise that I'll do all of these, but I'll definitely do some! I can't wait to get started :)


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