Friday, February 8, 2013

How To Be A Fat Bitch: Lesson Two

This week's assignment is to reclaim the word fat and do something amazing with it. So I've been brainstorming some ideas of what I can do -- let me know what you think!
  1. Put on my favourite outfit, get all dolled up, and have a photo shoot in my  backyard -- making sure to accentuate my fatness! :)
  2. Bake a cake and write "FAT BITCH" on it with yummy colored frosting. Mmmm. 
  3. I have four canvasses and some acrylic paint... I can make some fat art!
  4. Maybe post something on Facebook to try to make more people aware of fat acceptance
  5. Write a song or a short story about fatness :)
That's all I've been able to come up with... I can't promise that I'll do all of these, but I'll definitely do some! I can't wait to get started :)


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hey kitties!

So I made cookies yesterday! I liveblogged the whole thing on instagram, so I thought I'd transfer it all over here.

First things first: gotta get my apron on! The last few times I've baked I've always forgotten to put it on, so I made sure not to forget this time. I got it from my Momma for... Christmas or something. I can't remember. It was in 2011, I think. It's from Anthropologie in case you were wondering!
Next I got all the ingredients together. I decided to bake some oatmeal cookies because I had been craving them something fierce for weeks. If we had raisins I would have put them in, but alas, we did not. I got the recipe from the smitten kitchen website.

After mixing everything up and letting the dough cool probably longer than was really necessary, I spooned them into balls and placed them on a cookie sheet.
I really should have made smaller balls and used two cookie sheets, cos this is what happened...
That's what I get for being lazy. Oh well :) Next time I'll do it right, and with raisins! Mmm :)


Saturday, February 2, 2013


First part of number five on my list -- dyeing my hair -- is almost complete! FUCK YEAH!!

An behold: the finished product! Here's a side-by-side comparison so you can tell the difference (sorta -- the lighting is kind of funky in my room right now, I dunno why it's so yellow).
I was planning on bathing and doing my nails and that spa treatment and watching Sex and the City tonight, but I think I might wait until tomorrow. I didn't sleep at all last night and I'm pooped. Though I may be able to fit in an episode or two or SatC regardless... ;)


How to Be A Fat Bitch: Lesson One

Hey kitties! 

I've been inspired by the lovely Rachele over at The Nearsighted Owl to get into blogging* again. She's started a course in How to Be A Fat Bitch, and I thought I'd give it a go.

I'm gonna get a bit personal with y'all here for a second: All my life, I've struggled with being larger than all my friends, having trouble buying clothes that were flattering, and even shoes that fit (I'm a size 12 in women's, which is just damn cruel). I've done Weight Watchers at least three times, and lost a good amount of weight each time but was never able to stick with it. And frankly, I'm tired of trying. Of course I'd love to be a bit smaller, but I'm starting to realise that it's no fun trying to be something I'm not. I need to learn to love myself the way I am -- otherwise no one else will love me. That's what Rachele has been helping me see ever since I discovered her's and some other lovely blogs a few weeks ago. I want to be a confident, fat & and sassy bitch. A moral sex kitten, if you will.

So: Lesson One of the How to Be A Fat Bitch project is to write down five things I want to do but normally wouldn't. So here are five things that would make me happy (in no particular order):

  1. Go thrift shopping and find some (cute!) clothes that actually fit me.
  2. Bake that recipe I've been wanting to try forever.
  3. Sign up for a yoga class.
  4. Wear something a little more tight-fitting than I would normally feel comfortable wearing.
  5. Give myself a spa day -- dye my hair, paint my nails, take a LUSH bath -- all while watching Sex and the City like I've been wanting to for the past few weeks.
  6. EXTRA BONUS: Start going through my Closet & Other Junk to clear out unused & forgotten crap!! (Hopefully without getting stuck reminiscing... that stuff gets me every time.)

I get extra credit if I actually do some of them! :) So I'll update y'all on my progress throughout the week. If anything I do calls for a picture, I'll post it on instagram and tag it with #fatbitchecourse and #nearsightedowl.

Thanks for reading, kitties! I'm super excited about this project :)


*here, the term 'blogging' refers to actually using a proper paragraph format and saying things that can actually be understood by a majority of my potential audience, unlike ASKDFASKDN;KJ (as I do un tumblr)